As mais recentes novidades do BRAINN

CEPID BRAINN - Agencia FAPESP - divulgacao - maior estudo epilepsia
Considered the largest genetic study of epilepsy in the world, paper published in Nature Genetics reveals alterations in DNA that
CEPID BRAINN - Divulgacao 10o Congresso do CEPID BRAINN
With the presence of national and international researchers specialized in neuroscience, the 10th BRAINN CEPID Congress takes place in early
CEPID BRAINN - INES 2023 - Capa Divulgacao 2
The INES 2023 event gathered researchers from different countries in Campinas for training in neuropathology and neuroimaging, aiming at the
Study finds brain changes in people with anxiety, depression symptoms. Press release from the American Academy of Neurosciences MINNEAPOLIS –
CEPID BRAINN - Blog - Entrevista Clarissa Yasuda WebMD
WebMD article details the effects of long COVID on mental health and interviews BRAINN researcher (and COVID specialist) dr. Clarissa
CEPID BRAINN - Vaga de Pos-doutorado FAPESP - divulgacao
  We seek a postdoctoral fellow with experience in i) Functional study techniques for sodium channels, cell electrophysiology (Patch Clamp);
CEPID BRAINN - Hypothalamus Segmentation Challenge
Links for the datasets and the competition instructions, based on the paper "A benchmark for hypothalamus segmentation on T1-weighted MR
The study will obtain genetic information from children's brain cells using innovative technologies and will be part of the Human
Details The Brazilian Institute of Neuroscience and Neurotechnology (BRAINN), located at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP/Brazil), is seeking highly motivated
CEPID BRAINN - Vaga de Pos-Doutorado no MICLab v2
The Medical Image Computing Lab at Unicamp has an opportunity for students interested in machine learning and medical image analysis.
CEPID BRAINN - Bolsa pos-doc neurocisticercose
We seek a postdoctoral fellow with experience in i) Animal (rodents) manipulation; II)high-throughput techniques such as Next-generation sequencing; III) molecular
BRAINN research analyzes ancestry in the genome of the population of Campinas and finds a gene related to the accumulation
BRAINN - pos-doc envelhecimento
Postdoctoral Fellow  The National Institute on Aging (NIA), Intramural Research Program (IRP), and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Center for
Details and information about INES 2019, the Neuropathology and Neuroimaging in Epilepsy event. August 15th 2019  | originally published at
BRAINN na Nature Research
At the Brazilian Research Institute for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology (BRAINN), researchers combine disciplines to find new ways to address the
BRAINN Congress - Mark Cook
Agência FAPESP interviews the Australian researcher Mark Cook on implantable devices aimed at controlling epilepsy. April 29th 2019  | originally
6o BRAINN Congress 2019 - CEPID BRAINN - Congresso
Article published in the Unicamp Portal highlights the technological and scientific advances discussed at the 6th BRAINN Congress. April 10th
BRAINN - Joana Prota e Iscia Lopes-Cendes Exoma no SUS
Decision to adopt the exam was guided by a technical-scientific opinion prepared by a doctorate from FCM-Unicamp, working with researchers
Press Release The abstract submission site for the 2019 AES Annual Meeting is now open! This year's meeting will be
Li Li Min - Purple Day 2019 - CEPID BRAINN
Unicamp produces video on Purple Day and interviews researchers from BRAINN. March 27th 2019  |  originally published at Jornal da
Hoo box materia VivaBem
Website "VivaBem", related to one of Brazil´s biggest internet providers, interviews the researcher Paulo Gurgel Pinheiro, who joined CEPID BRAINN
Paulo pinheiro hoobox cadeira de rodas
Researcher Paulo Pinheiro´s invention was exhibited at the world´s largest technology fair. Pinheiro was part of BRAINN as an associate
BRAINN e Consorcio ENIGMA - parceria de estudos
By Maria Fernanda Ziegler, in New York  |  Agência FAPESP – Research conducted by the ENIGMA international consortium has studied
BRAINN - estudo de tendencias tecnologicas 2018
Trabalho analisa em detalhes a estruturação de tecnologias e oportunidades atuais em Neurociências e pode ser acessado gratuitamente. Confira. O