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Physicist develops algorithm capable of assisting in Parkinson’s treatment
The research was supervised by CEPID BRAINN´s researchers, Dr. Rickson Mesquita and Dr. Gabriela Castellano. Check out the report from HC Unicamp. Relacionados/Related: Presença feminina na Ciência: pesquisadoras do BRAINN em destaque no Portal Unicamp Reabilitação de pacientes de AVC com o uso de realidade virtual é alvo de estudos do BRAINN FCM: “ Global […]

World Health Organization’s (WHO) Technical Advisory Group on Genomics (TAG-G), chaired by researcher Iscia Lopes-Cendes, publishes article in Nature Medicine.
Article from Agência FAPESP interviews researcher from CEPID BRAINN and details the need for awareness, professional training, and investment in genomics. Relacionados/Related: BIPMed e o primeiro banco de dados genéticos público da América Latina Pesquisa do BRAINN sobre Epilepsia na Revista Super Saudável Por telefone, estudantes da Unicamp ajudam no combate à Covid-19 Grupo cria […]

Global Study Identifies Markers for the Five Clinical Stages of Parkinson’s Disease
Research, which included the participation of BRAINN, analyzed data from over 2,500 individuals with Parkinson’s and developed metrics for each clinical stage of the disease. Relacionados/Related: Parkinson afeta mais a população idosa; entenda como ela age e seus tratamentos Maior estudo colaborativo sobre Parkinson utilizando imagens de ressonância magnética é publicado Síndrome de Ramsay Hunt: […]
, Neuroscience

10 years of BRAINN Congress: details on the 2024 edition
The CEPID BRAINN Congress celebrates a decade in 2024. Check out details of the event, student participation, and awards. Relacionados/Related: 8th BRAINN CONGRESS: um resumo de três dias de intensas atividades científicas BRAINN_XR Symposium on Virtual Reality for Neurofunctional Recovery: detalhes do evento Pesquisadores do BRAINN participam do 35th International Epilepsy Congress em Dublin 9th […]

World’s largest epilepsy study reveals ‘genetic architecture’ and points to new therapies
Considered the largest genetic study of epilepsy in the world, paper published in Nature Genetics reveals alterations in DNA that signal a greater risk for the brain disorder. Relacionados/Related: Agência FAPESP destaca pesquisa do BRAINN sobre epilepsia BRAINN na Agência FAPESP: Malformação associada à epilepsia grave tem mecanismo desvendado Pesquisa brasileira mostra mecanismo genético envolvido […]

10th BRAINN Congress – a decade of interaction among neuroscience researchers
With the presence of national and international researchers specialized in neuroscience, the 10th BRAINN CEPID Congress takes place in early April at Unicamp. Relacionados/Related: Trabalhos apresentados no 7th BRAINN CONGRESS publicados no Periódico JECN Trabalhos apresentados no 8th BRAINN CONGRESS são publicados no Periódico JECN EM IMAGENS: evento do BRAINN de conscientização sobre a Doença […]

INES 2023 brings together international specialists in Campinas
The INES 2023 event gathered researchers from different countries in Campinas for training in neuropathology and neuroimaging, aiming at the diagnosis and treatment of focal epilepsy. Relacionados/Related: Concurso fotográfico “Olhares sobre a Epilepsia” recebe inscrições Participe da 7ª Escola Internacional de Neuropatologia e Cirurgia de Epilepsia Em setembro: participe de Eventos de Conscientização sobre a […]

Can the lingering effects of a mild case of COVID-19 change your brain?
Study finds brain changes in people with anxiety, depression symptoms. Relacionados/Related: Jornal do SBT (vídeo): Pacientes da COVID-19 podem apresentar sequelas a longo prazo, aponta estudo Folha de São Paulo: Sintomas de Covid-19 persistem por meses e alertam para possíveis sequelas da doença Agência FAPESP: COVID-19 pode alterar o padrão de conectividade funcional do cérebro […]

Anxiety, Your Brain, and Long COVID: What the Research Says
WebMD article details the effects of long COVID on mental health and interviews BRAINN researcher (and COVID specialist) dr. Clarissa Yasuda. Relacionados/Related: ‘Parece que perdi pontos de QI’, diz neurologista do CEPID BRAINN que pesquisa e sofre com COVID longa Covid-19 deixou sequelas? Os cuidados que o paciente deve ter mesmo após se ‘curar’ Folha […]

Postdoctoral position: Functional Characterization of Nav1.1 channel mutations associated with Dravet Syndrome
We seek a postdoctoral fellow with experience in i) Functional study techniques for sodium channels, cell electrophysiology (Patch Clamp); II) molecular biology tools for DNA, RNA and protein analysis(Sanger Sequencing, NGS, Rt-qPCR and Western Blot); III) immunofluorescence techniques, immunoassay for characterization of protein expression; IV) Cell culture and heterologous expression of mammalian cells and […]

Paper published in ‘Neuroimage’ let´s you download hypothalamus imaging data and participate in segmentation competition
Links for the datasets and the competition instructions, based on the paper “A benchmark for hypothalamus segmentation on T1-weighted MR images”. Relacionados/Related: Os avanços da bioinformática e da genética para o diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças Um ecossistema federado para compartilhamento de dados genômicos Aluno do BRAINN é premiado na “XII Semana Acadêmica de Farmácia […]

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative will fund BRAINN researchers´ project
The study will obtain genetic information from children’s brain cells using innovative technologies and will be part of the Human Cell Atlas consortium’s Pediatric Networks. Relacionados/Related: Artigo revela que população brasileira possui variações genéticas inéditas em bancos de dados globais Pesquisadora do BRAINN Iscia Lopes-Cendes recebe prêmio de Neurociências Aluno do BRAINN é premiado na […]
Destaques, Institutional

Postdoctoral Fellowship: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Details The Brazilian Institute of Neuroscience and Neurotechnology (BRAINN), located at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP/Brazil), is seeking highly motivated and analytically capable postdoctoral candidates with strong interest in genomics and integrative analytical approaches for -omics data. Funds are available for an initial 2-year period. Requirements Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree, obtained in […]

Opportunity: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Medical Image and Data Analysis using Machine Learning
The Medical Image Computing Lab at Unicamp has an opportunity for students interested in machine learning and medical image analysis. Relacionados/Related: Oportunidade: Bolsa de Pós-Doutorado na FEEC/UNICAMP Oportunidades de pós-doutorado em Biologia Computacional e Bioestatística Alunas do BRAINN são premiadas no 37º Congresso da Liga Brasileira de Epilepsia CEPID BRAINN oferece bolsa FAPESP de Pós-Doutorado […]

Postdoctoral position in Neurocysticercosis: unraveling the molecular mechanisms underlying parasite-host interaction
We seek a postdoctoral fellow with experience in i) Animal (rodents) manipulation; II)high-throughput techniques such as Next-generation sequencing; III) molecular biology tools for DNA, RNA and protein analysis (qPCR, Sanger Sequencing and Western Blot) and IV) immunofluorescence techniques for the analysis of how the transcriptome of a natural and unnatural host’s brain (single-cells and tissue) […]

Post-doc opportunity at the National Institute on Aging
Postdoctoral Fellow The National Institute on Aging (NIA), Intramural Research Program (IRP), and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Center for Cancer Research (CCR), both major research components of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), are recruiting for a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Longitudinal Studies Sections (LSS) […]

INES 2019: Researchers from 9 countries reunited for Neuropathology and Neuroimaging in Epilepsy event
Details and information about INES 2019, the Neuropathology and Neuroimaging in Epilepsy event. Relacionados/Related: EM IMAGENS: evento do BRAINN de conscientização sobre a Doença de Pompe Concurso fotográfico “Olhares sobre a Epilepsia” recebe inscrições Li Li Min participa do Pint of Science em Maio! Participe da 7ª Escola Internacional de Neuropatologia e Cirurgia de Epilepsia

BRAINN at NatureResearch: “A new model for brain research”
At the Brazilian Research Institute for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology (BRAINN), researchers combine disciplines to find new ways to address the age-old conditions of epilepsies and strokes. Relacionados/Related: Neuroplasticidade: o cérebro em alta performance Pesquisadora do BRAINN em entrevista para a Rádio Senado BIPMED: novo portal reunirá bancos de dados genômicos da América Latina Muito Black […]

Devices help predict seizures and treat patients with epilepsy
Agência FAPESP interviews the Australian researcher Mark Cook on implantable devices aimed at controlling epilepsy. Relacionados/Related: Estudo avalia relação entre padrões de sono e epilepsia 26 de Março – um dia para discutir a epilepsia e vestir roxo! Concurso fotográfico “Olhares sobre a Epilepsia” recebe inscrições Unicamp: Hospital de Clínicas realiza a 100ª cirurgia de […]
, Epilepsy

BRAINN Congress highlights new technologies and discusses public health
Article published in the Unicamp Portal highlights the technological and scientific advances discussed at the 6th BRAINN Congress. Relacionados/Related: FAPESP Week: os primeiros resultados da BIPMed BIPMed busca parcerias para ampliar banco público de dados genômicos e clínicos BIPMED: novo portal reunirá bancos de dados genômicos da América Latina Devices help predict seizures and treat […]

SUS to incorporate Exoma sequencing to diagnose intellectual disability
Decision to adopt the exam was guided by a technical-scientific opinion prepared by a doctorate from FCM-Unicamp, working with researchers from CEPID BRAINN. Relacionados/Related: Neurociência no Metrô? É o BRAINN na Campanha Semear Ciência! Tutores: Li Li Min em reportagem sobre epilepsia e entrevista à TV Band Site e app para promoção da saúde de […]

Now open! Abstract Submission for AES 2019
Press Release The abstract submission site for the 2019 AES Annual Meeting is now open! This year’s meeting will be held in Baltimore, MD from December 6-10. Submission Deadline: The deadline for electronic submission of abstracts is Monday, June 3, at 11:59 PM ET. Abstracts submitted on or before June 3 will be subject to […]

‘Purple day’ combats stigma and raises awareness on epilepsy
Unicamp produces video on Purple Day and interviews researchers from BRAINN. Relacionados/Related: BRAINN celebra o Purple Day 2018 – pela causa da Epilepsia! Purple Day no Registro Geral da Unicamp! Campanha mundial Purple Day tem dia de conscientização sobre epilepsia 26 de Março – um dia para discutir a epilepsia e vestir roxo!
Special Dates

Brazilians create system that moves wheelchair using facial expressions
Website “VivaBem”, related to one of Brazil´s biggest internet providers, interviews the researcher Paulo Gurgel Pinheiro, who joined CEPID BRAINN as an associate researcher on professor Eleri Cardozo´s team. Relacionados/Related: Two of BRAINN´s spin-off companies talk about entrepreneurship for ‘Jornal da Unicamp’ Brazilian scientist creates wheelchair system ‘moved by smiles’ Agência FAPESP: programa “Entrevista” mostra […]

Brazilian scientist creates wheelchair system ‘moved by smiles’
Researcher Paulo Pinheiro´s invention was exhibited at the world´s largest technology fair. Pinheiro was part of BRAINN as an associate researcher on Professor Eleri Cardozo‘s team. Relacionados/Related: Two of BRAINN´s spin-off companies talk about entrepreneurship for ‘Jornal da Unicamp’ Brazilians create system that moves wheelchair using facial expressions Cadeira de rodas é controlada por expressões […]

BRAINN and Enigma: International partnership enables advances in research into debilitating diseases
By Maria Fernanda Ziegler, in New York | Agência FAPESP – Research conducted by the ENIGMA international consortium has studied the brains of more than 3,800 volunteers from several countries for the purpose of discovering similarities and differences between brain anatomy and different types of epilepsy. The goal is to seek markers that help in […]

Acesse o novo Estudo de Tendências em Neurotecnologia do BRAINN
Trabalho analisa em detalhes a estruturação de tecnologias e oportunidades atuais em Neurociências e pode ser acessado gratuitamente. Confira. Relacionados/Related: Pesquisadora do BRAINN Iscia Lopes-Cendes recebe prêmio de Neurociências Participe da 7ª Escola Internacional de Neuropatologia e Cirurgia de Epilepsia Genomic analysis suggests propensity to obesity and diabetes in the population of Campinas Artigo revela […]

Two of BRAINN´s spin-off companies talk about entrepreneurship for ‘Jornal da Unicamp’
We translate Unicamp´s reports on the companies Bioxthica and Hoobox, CEPID BRAINN´s spin-off research projects. Relacionados/Related: Brazilian scientist creates wheelchair system ‘moved by smiles’ Brazilians create system that moves wheelchair using facial expressions Pesquisadora do BRAINN em entrevista para a Rádio Senado Agência FAPESP: programa “Entrevista” mostra cientistas que se tornaram empreendedores

SMS professors participate in the Summer School for Neuropathology and Epilepsy Surgery in Germany
BRAINN researchers Fernando Cendes and Iscia Cendes represented the University of Campinas in the event. Relacionados/Related: Pesquisadora do BRAINN Iscia Lopes-Cendes recebe prêmio de Neurociências Participe da 7ª Escola Internacional de Neuropatologia e Cirurgia de Epilepsia Genomic analysis suggests propensity to obesity and diabetes in the population of Campinas Artigo revela que população brasileira possui […]