Frontiers in Human Neuroscience: envie propostas de papers para Research Topic sobre “Spinal and Corticospinal Pathways and Mechanisms”

CEPID BRAINN - divulgacao Research Topic prof Leonardo Abdala
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Abstracts podem ser enviados até o dia 17 de julho. Entenda o que são os Research Topics e os benefícios de ter uma publicação incluída na lista.

23 de junho de 2022  | por Redação WebContent

A publicação “Frontiers in Human Neuroscience” está aceitando papers para compor seu próximo ‘Research Topic‘, com a temática “Towards an Understanding of Spinal and Corticospinal Pathways and Mechanisms.

Os abstracts poderão ser enviados até 17 de julho, e os papers completos, até o dia 15 de setembro.

Research Topics‘ são coleção de artigos científicos – sejam eles novas publicações, sejam reviews ou demais tipos de produção científica – curados e revisados por uma equipe de pesquisadores especialistas na área em questão. O intuito é reunir informações de alta qualidade e relevância sobre alguns dos assuntos mais impactantes no momento, em um ambiente colaborativo e de ampla interação. Os topics são administrados e divulgados na plataforma Open Science, da Frontiers, permitindo livre acesso e alta visibilidade.

Participa como editor do tópico o pesquisador Leonardo Abdala Elias, da Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação/FEEC/UNICAMP, e associado ao CEPID BRAINN.

Confira abaixo mais detalhes sobre o Research Topic em questão (em inglês):



Over the last decade, there has been growing interest and important developments in understanding the molecular, cellular and circuit level mechanisms of spinal and corticospinal tracts. These advances have been fostered by improvements in the research techniques that enable us to gather insights from different approaches, together with the need to better understand the field in order to achieve our mission to live healthy lives on a healthy planet. Whilst the community can be proud of major advances, there is still a long way to go.

In this Research Topic, we encourage researchers to highlight the state of the art research and the main challenges the field of motor neuroscience is facing. We also welcome contributions that look into the future and define the directions that the field will take in the coming years. What have been the key discoveries so far? What are the most pressing matters that need to be addressed? Where is research going to take us in the coming years? This collection will serve as the basis to showcase state-of-the-art research at the end of the second decade of the XXI century and define the progress that needs to be made in the next decade.

• Mechanisms of spinal and corticospinal nerve damage regeneration
• Spinal and corticospinal, molecular, cellular, and circuit-level mechanisms of motor function control.
• Spinal and corticospinal, molecular, cellular, and circuit-level mechanisms of physiological functions.
• Computational models and theories regarding spinal and corticospinal circuits to physiological functions
• The effects of motor function rehabilitation techniques on the spinal and corticospinal tracts.


Keywords: spinal, corticospinal, rehabilitation, motor neuroscience, motor

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.


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