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4º Workshop BIPMed
16/novembro/2017 @ 12:30 - 17:00
A Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), no escopo do projeto CEPID (Centros de Pesquisa, Inovação e Difusão), e o Brazilian Initiative on Precision Medicine (BIPMed) convidam-no para o 4º Workshop BIPMed, que ocorrerá concomitantemente ao III Meeting of the Brazilian Node of the Human Variome Project (HVP-BRAZIL).
Confira o programa preliminar abaixo.
Preliminary Program
- 1:00PM-1:15PM – Registration
- Panel 1 – Current status:
- 1:15PM-1:30PM – Update on the new developments in the BIPMed genomic databases. Cristiane S. Rocha. BIPMed Project Manager.
- 1:30PM-1:45PM – New BIPMed products. Welliton Souza/Benilton S. Carvalho , Department of Medical Genetics, School of Medical Sciences/Department of Statistics, Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing; University of Campinas (UNICAMP).
- 1:45PM-2:00PM – The Latin American Database of Genetic Variation (LatinGen) –Lavinia S. Fachini. President of the Latin American Network of Human Genetics (RELAH).
- 2:00PM – 2:15PM – The Brazilian BRCA-Challenge. Patricia A. Prolla. Department of Genetics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
- 2:15PM – 2:30PM – Discussion
- 2:30PM – 2:45PM – Coffee break
Panel 2 – Projects currently using BIPMed data:
- 2:45PM – 3:10PM. Mitochondrial haplogroups and GWAS of pharmacogenomic markers. Marcelo Briones. Department of Health Informatics. Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP).
- 3:10PM – 3:35PM Identifying local ancestry deviations in Brazilian individuals. Rodrigo Secolin. Department of Medical Genetics. School of Medical Sciences. University of Campinas (UNICAMP).
- 3:35PM – 3:50PM – Discussion
Panel 3 – Can other initiatives be integrated using the federated model?
- 3:50PM – 4:15PM. The ABraOM database – Mayana Zatz. Center for the study of the Human Genome. University of São Paulo (USP).
- 4:15PM – 4:40PM What admixed populations tell us about natural selection. Diogo Meyer. Department of Genetics and Evolution Biology. Institute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo (USP).
- 4:40PM – 4:55PM. Discussion
- 4:55PM – 5:00PM. Closing remarks and invitation for next meeting. Iscia Lopes-Cendes. Member, steering committee BIPMed and HVP-BRAZIL.